Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple Blanket

Last Friday I got a couple boxes from my mom. One had a bunch of bulbs to plant and one of my favorite blankets from when I was little. The other one had a plastic box with cut fabric triangles and then a bunch of cut 4.5 in squares. Both of which where for quilts she wanted to make for me at some point.

I felt like sewing this weekend so I picked out the squares I liked the best and just started sewing strips.

simple quilt

My plan is to make this in the style of the blanket she sent me. It's basically a front piece like in the picture above and a back solid piece sewn right sides together, flipped and then tacked. Super simple and light weight, no quilting or batting. 

In other news I have DJ school today with my bro-in-law, Paul. He wants to teach me how to DJ and really all I'm hoping for is that it doesn't go horribly! I need to pick out some fun jams! Who wants an Edyie Gorme remix? Nobody? Just me? Ok.

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