i just ate some cookies and donut. they were delicious!
so i've had a fair amount of time on my hands and i've been working on these cross stitch kits that i bought over a year ago. i saw them and it cracked me up so much. they are from some sort of career series for like..nurses, doctor, policemen...etc... and then there are really nice things written around the edges like.."helpful" "considerate" blah blah blah.
i bought a nurse one and a doctor one and decided against putting the words around the edges because i thought that it would be really funny to have two cross stitched pieces hanging on the wall that are of needles, crutches, pill bottles, stethiscopes, etc...

anyway, i finished the nurse one and i'm working on the doctor one, the images are what they will look like when i finish them. (i cropped out the words around the edges) adam seems to get as big a kick out of them as i do. so that's good!
i think that tomorrow i 'm am going to go look for a table for my very own craft room/studio! i haven't used the room at all yet because i have no table! i can't wait to be able

we have rabbits that play in our yard all day and birds and fat chipmunks who stare in our bedroom window (sliding glass door). it's awesome. i really like where we live. seriously. bunnies. all over. it's amazing. wisconsin, you are a funny, funny place. you're so nice and so flat (which still kind of freaks me out, i'm not used to wide open space unless it's the ocean) and all your trees lean to one side because of the wind!
oh, wisconsin!
Welcome to Wisconsin! I love it here.